On 23rd June at 14:00, Katie Bird (Senior Enforcement Officer for Access and Benefits Sharing) will host a seminar providing the background to The Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-Sharing (ABS) supplements the Convention on Biological Diversity’s third objective on the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from the utilisation (research and development) of genetic resources (plants, animals, microbes and other).
The webinar will cover an introduction to the Nagoya Protocol and EU Regulation, as well as provide an opportunity to ask the Regulators questions about compliance. It is aimed at those conducting research into the biochemical properties of genetic resources, as well as those at the stage of product development, where the product results from the utilisation of genetic resources.
You can sign up to the webinar here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/webinar-on-access-and-benefit-sharing-in-the-uk-tickets-107825200076 [eventbrite.co.uk] The workshop will cover broadly the Nagoya Protocol and the ABS requirements in the UK, as well as touching on EU Exit, Public health emergencies and compliance/enforcement in the UK.