This page contains resources to support our community and anyone that is responsible for managing a frozen collection.
Information Materials

CryoArks Leaflet - Academia And Museums
Leaflet containing information on how to submit, search and request samples and/or data to CryoArks.
EAZA Leaflet - Zoos And Aquaria
Leaflet describing the EAZA Biobank Sample Collection Protocol and details on how to send samples to the EAZA Biobank hub at RZSS Edinburgh zoo.
CryoArks Introduction - Printable Version
Printable version of the CryoArks pop-up banner. It contains generic information about the project.
Inventory Training Resources

How To Conduct An Inventory Of Your Sample Collection
Guidelines for how to conduct an inventory of molecular collections to any who hold and/or are responsible for a collection of either tissue samples, DNA/RNA extracts or cell lines.
Initial Inventory Data Collection Sheet Template
Editable template of the Initial Inventory Sheet as mentioned in the 'How to Conduct an Inventory of your Sample Collection document'.
Thorough Inventory Data Collection Sheet Template
Editable template of the Thorough Inventory Sheet as mentioned in the 'How to Conduct an Inventory of your Sample Collection document'.
How to Train Your Team To Conduct An Inventory
Document outlining a range of training activities that cover the key skills used by those conducting an inventory of a molecular collection.
Databasing Resources

CryoArks Data Template
This comprehensive and editable excel spreadsheet includes fields commonly used in databases of universities, zoos and museums and is the template that underpins the CryoArks Specify database. Collections are welcome to use it for their own databasing requirements or to list samples intended for submission to a CryoArks hub. Note: Macros need to be enabled.
How To Use The CryoArks Data Template
Guidelines for how to use the CryoArks Data Template. The purpose of this document is to assist anyone who has downloaded the CryoArks Data Template and wishes to use it for their own data collection.
Data Only Collections

Guidance For Data Only Collections
This guidance is aimed at facilitating those who wish to become a CryoArks Member by contributing their sample collection data to the biobanking community.
Request Samples

Sample Use Request Form
If you would like to request samples from CryoArks please fill in this request form and send it to
Sample Use Request Form Guidance
Please refer to this document when completing the CryoArks sample request form. We have provided these guidelines to support applicants to complete the form fully and accurately.
Sample Protocols

Sample Protocol Poster - Academia And Museums
Information on how to collect, label, package and send samples to a CryoArks hub. Download and print a copy to display on your wall.
Sample Protocol Poster - Zoos And Aquaria
Information on how to collect, label, package and send samples to the EAZA Biobank hub at RZSS Edinburgh Zoo, following the EAZA Biobank protocol.
Collection Box Labels
These can be used to label a box or freezer compartment designated to holding biobank samples until shipment can be organised.