Join CryoArks
We are a UK consortium of biobanks, museums and universities enhancing the diversity, visibility, and availability of zoological samples for conservation and research.

CryoArks Community
The CryoArks community includes our core partners, collaborating organisations across the UK and abroad (including UK-based animal biobanks and biodiversity open-access platforms), and our end-users. We are committed to expand our community and increase access and visibility of UK frozen animal collections.

Nagoya Protocol
The Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization (ABS) provides a legal frame work for implementing the third objective of the 1992 Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).

Borrowing samples
Samples may be borrowed from the CryoArks biobank for destructive sampling, under a loan agreement that will state the requirements for sharing products and benefits that result from sample use with CryoArks. In addition, and where applicable, researchers should also ensure that all sample utilisation complies with the terms of use specified by the country of sample origin (see below for Access and Benefits Sharing).

Donating samples
Samples donated to the CryoArks biobank are received by a CryoArks partner institution (NHM, NMS, RZSS, Cardiff University). In donating a sample to CryoArks ownership is transferred to the Partner institution holding the material for use within the CryoArks Initiative.

Frequently Asked Questions
We have assembled answers to some of the most common questions we receive about sample storage, sample donations, sample and data ownership, sample access, sample use and sample documentation.